5 Fundamental Steps on How to Write a Plagiarism Free Report Writing

Plagiarism is referred to stealing and passing off ideas of others for personal use and gathering credit for the source of the knowledge. This is usually done in an intentional way without providing effective credit to the source used for presenting the idea. Plagiarism may also occur carelessly when the students forget to present an effective citation to the work presented due to their carelessness. This is because the act is considered copy-paste of ideas from others without seeking effective permission from the person for executing the action. Plagiarism is an ethical issue that on being found by the tutors or others considers the person who submitted such work has performed an action of theft with the hope of personal benefit. Thus, avoiding plagiarism is of key importance so that you are not blamed for theft or performed misconduct in presenting any writing. It also helps you as the writer retain your respect in front of tutors and peers. The action of plagiarism is also to ...